SMR Mini-Conferences and Special Issues
- Open Innovation (Bercovitz and Chesbrough; Berkeley, Oct 2018), featuring keynote by David Teece and presentations by Teppo Felin and Todd Zenger, Keld Larsen and Ammon Salter, Aija Leiponen, Sonali Shah, and Chris Tucci.
- M&A Strategy and Practice (Graebner, Haspeslagh, Heimeriks & Mitchell; The Shard, London, April 2019), featuring presentations by M&A heads from McKinsey UK, SAP, Philips Lighting, and Unilever.
- Corporate Renewal (Feldman, Harrigan, & Sakhartov; Columbia Business School, May 2019), featuring keynote by James Gorman, CEO of Morgan Stanley, and a panel of PE and turnaround consultants.
- Coopetition (Dagnino and Ritala; Palermo, Sicily, June 2019), featuring presentations by European regulators and practitioners as well as Riitta Katila, Will Mitchell, Ram Ranganathan, and others.
- Edith Penrose and The Theory of the Growth of the Firm: The Next Sixty Years (Buckley and de la Torre).
- Essays in Honor of Richard P. Rumelt (Hoopes, Madsen, and Teece).
- SMR at The Shard, London (September 21, 2022; Call for Proposals)
- What is Strategic Leadership? Alternative Conceptions of Strategic Leaders as Value Creators (Nickerson and Zenger; Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan 2023), featuring presentations by Deepak Somaya, Geoff Love, and William Ocasio, Arnaldo Camuffo and Alfonso Gambardella, Ravi Madhavan; Daniel Keum; Shubha Patvardhan, and Paul Godfrey. Call for Proposals
- Untamed Issues in Strategy: Bridging Theory and Practice, a joint SMR and BCG mini-conference featuring Don Allan, CEO of Stanley Black and Decker, as well as dozens of CEOs, CSOs, consultants, and academics discussing the future of strategic management (New York City, August 2023).
- Collaborative Strategies in the Digital Age (Lumineau and Malhotra). Call for Proposals
- Real Options Conference bringing together strategic management, finance, and other scholars (Durham, England; June 12-14, 2025). In collaboration with Lenos Trigeorgis and the Real Options Group.